Sunday, August 28, 2005

Tyra Puts the Special in Special

So, I'm watching "The Tyra Banks Show Special Preview" (don't judge me) - an infomercial for the supermodel's new talk show - when they cut to voiceover (presumably scripted) by Miss Banks as she takes us on a tour of her hometown. And how does she describe her hometown? Like this:

I'm from Inglewood, California. It's like a suburb of California.
Wow. I knew cities had suburbs, but I had no idea that states did, too. Thanks Tyra!

Don't believe me? Listen to her yourself:
this is an audio post - click to play

Or catch one of the many, many repeat airings of the special on Oxygen or your local affiliate (in Inglewood, it's UPN 13).

Oh, and I'll definitely be watching The Tyra Banks Show when it premieres on September 12. Because there's a daily segment called "Tyra Gets Real". Tyra: She goes there.

Tyra Banks: Supermodel; of the world


Blogger Raymond's Edge said...

I like your sarcasm. Great writing style you have there. Funny…AR…

September 04, 2005 4:43 AM  

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