Saturday, August 14, 2004

Next Comic Standing

I'm fine with John Heffron winning. I would've been fine with Alonzo Bodden or Gary Gulman, too. I think those two would be better suited to sit-com stardom than Heffron, but who am I to second guess America? Especially since I didn't vote.

I think there was some confusion at NBC as to whether the premise of Last Comic Standing 3 was supposed to be a surprise. There was an ad that revealed the twist during Tuesday night's penultimate episode of Last Comic Standing 2. However, on Thursday night's finale, Jay Mohr kept teasing the twist as a secret to be revealed at the end of the show. Weird.

Anyway, the big surprise twist is that the next installment will be House vs. House: The comics of Last Comic Standing 1 pitted against the comics of Last Comic Standing 2. I'm a tad underwhelmed by this. I understand that it's probably necessitated by NBC's desire to rush a third season into production in time to salvage their fall schedule, which would prevent a full nationwide talent search to cast new comics. However, one of the biggest flaws of the franchise is that the comics only have so much material - I can't imagine how they're going to develop enough new jokes to keep it from playing like a re-run (especially those from Season 2). And is the match up even going to be close? Last year's top two, Ralphie May and Dat Phan were painful to watch on Thursday night.

Still, if this means more air time for Bonnie McFarlane (who looked absolutely adorable with her new 'do and stylish shades on finale night), count me in. I guess this explains why she has no stand-up dates scheduled after August 7.

Oh, and on the subject of ads revealing "reality twists," I just saw a promo for the new season of Survivor, which indicated that there will be 18 Survivors. I thought that was just an All-Star thing. Does this mean they'll be replicating the whole three tribe format? Not sure how I feel about that.


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