Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Adam Sandler: Hooker with a Heart of Gold?

Apparently, great directors see something in Adam Sandler that I don't. How else to explain why he's so often cast or talked about being cast by them.

First Paul Thomas Anderson, who made the worst film of his nascent career with Sandler (even at half the running time of Magnolia, it felt twice as long). Then my personal idol, James L. Brooks, cast him in the forth-coming Spanglish. Ordinarily, I would expect nothing but genius from Brooks, but Sandler has me worried. For almost as long as he's been talking about his WWII epic Inglorious Bastards (and it feels like forever - please make the movie already!), Quentin Tarantino has dropped Sandler's name as a potential star. I just discovered that we narrowly dodged a Bulletproof when talks between Michael Mann and Sandler fell through to cast him in Jamie Foxx's role in Collateral. On top of that, I see he's in talks to work with the once brilliant director of Trainspotting, Danny Boyle.

If he's ever in a Spielberg movie, I quit.


Blogger Liz said...

Dude you're totally forgetting that OTHER thing about Spanglish -- Tea Leoni's in it. Nothing good ever happens when Tea Leoni's in a movie.


August 12, 2004 9:17 AM  
Blogger The Pop Culture Petri Dish said...

Don't let jealousy cloud your judgment. Mrs. Duchovny, on top of being a good comedic actress, has been in several quality films. Flirting With Disaster was very good. And ridicule me if you must, but one of my guilty pleasures is the sappy yet satisfying The Family Man. Plus, IMDb informs me that she played ball in the greatest sports movie ever made - A Leauge of Their Own.

But I'll give you Jurassic Park III and Hollywood Ending, even if those movies each had far bigger problems than her performance (come on, talking raptors? that's not her fault). Deep Impact is a draw, if only because it was the first motion picture I ever watched being filmed.

August 12, 2004 4:41 PM  
Blogger Liz said...

See, I got over the jealousy in high school. She's just NO GOOD (much like her husband these days -- what fools we adolescents were). I mean, I used to like her; I even watched Naked Truth -- and laughed! But then I got tired of the two-packs-a-day rasp and the blank dead eyes and the complete lack of funny. And then I decided not to pay money for her movies. And then I felt better.

The effort some guys put into defending a second-rate actress who makes terrible film choices. Just because she's got legs. ::sigh::

And seriously, Family Man? What's wrong with you, dude? Next you'll be talking about how underrated Red Dragon is and how Ratner getting kicked off Superman was a travesty.

August 12, 2004 7:59 PM  
Blogger The Pop Culture Petri Dish said...

That hurts. We all have our guilty pleasures. I willingly own up to mine, though I know that by doing so, I open myself up to personal attacks like that. And that's fine. But for you to insinuate that I am a Ratner apologist - that is a low blow indeed. I would never defend the man who unleashed two of the most putrid excuses for movies ever exhibited outside of a Klan rally.

Now if you want to debate with me about McG, and the tragedy of HIM leaving Superman, bring it on...

August 12, 2004 11:04 PM  
Blogger Liz said...

Oddly, I was okay with the McG. I've been meaning to write a bit more about that on da blog. I was kinda interested in his take on things.

I'm sorry -- the wounds I inflicted were not meant to be mortal. I'm just a little horrified by this news that you liked ANY Ratner films. I thought we were in agreement about him needing to be shot directly into the sun. I'm also confused as to how a Capra rip-off could be considered a guilty pleasure. Enlighten me.

August 12, 2004 11:14 PM  

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